Larry L

CRank: 5Score: 28430

Yeah, because if there weren't an alterior motive, Spike TV would just HATE to have something that would actually pull ratings away from RAW. TV channels HATE high

That's the rediculous part. EVERYONE (gamers) wants to see the Sony conference start to finish. Millions of people would be watching Spike at 9pm Monday night if they were airing the event. But because Spike/GameTrailers is in bed with M$ by way of Viacom, they are just throwing away thos...

4013d ago 32 agree3 disagreeView comment

Actually even in GT5 the engine sound particularly for the GT-Rs is pretty acurate. I'm just happy to hear (so far anyway) that I'm not hearing the tranny whine over the engine. IMO that's one of the major reasons so many cars sound the same in GT5, that damn high pitch tranny whine. I haven't noticed it in any of the GT6 vids so far.

4015d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is one of the major things I was wondering about to justify the price. In the trailers the weapons never changed. Now I'm just hoping for armor that visually changes on the characters. That would put this game above and beyond what this genre usually offers, so would justify the slightly high price, especially the extra $10 for the PS3 version....which is the version I would prefer. But to keep it affordable, I may have to settle for the Vita version.

4017d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just for clarification for you, so you actually KNOW the real story, instead of having to make up excuses for MS (though to be fair, even the media was making bs excuses for MS afterwards too, so you may just be repeating something you read). It wasn't just going down regionally and intermitently due to some stability issue or something, like you're making it sound. It was being TAKEN down by MS themselves because alot accounts were getting hacked in turn because of getting...

4021d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

I've yet to hear a decent reasoning as to why people are so adamantly against "online passes". I'm a firm believe that if you put in effort to make and distribute a product, you should get paid for it. It's called capitalism......I know alot of people are against it these days, know?.......history?.......

If you buy a game new online passes don't affect you. Want to save some money? Wait for a price drop, you still get the online pass wh...

4022d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

It's nice that it actually looks like AUTUMN on the Autumn Ring again.

Graphics wise, obviously more advanced AA is in play. It's an old builkd, right? So I don't want to make any judgements. But just based off of all the gameplay vids that came out of that event, I think when it comes to looking "realistic", it took a slight, almost un-noticable step back.....but all the polish has taken multiple steps forward. It'll more than likely look a even lit...

4024d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nothing wrong with getting Drive Club. It's going to be a great game. But it's not really a replacement for GT6. Gameplay/physics wise, Drive Club is "arcade", not sim. That's from Evolution's mouth, it's sorta going to be Motorstorm on pavement with amazing social multi-player, not sim style racing, it's also touring racing, not circuit racing. Drive Club really isn't comparable to GT in that way.

There are no other console sim racers fo...

4024d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know that I ever looked at GT as the ultimate in graphics. It's just always had good-very good graphics, but it's the driving/control/feel perfection along with tons of content ON TOP of the very good graphics that made GT the Masterpiece of a series it's always been.

Gameplay and physics wise, I see only 1 upcoming game that's even scratching at GT's heels and that's Project Cars (Forza 5 being a launch game won't have physics any bett...

4029d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

HAHA!! WOW!! Reboot realistic racing?

Please, I'd rather leave non-sense like having arcade physics and reversing time in a racing game being passed off as "realistic" to Turn10.

You can't "REBOOT" Gran Turismo. All you can do is add content, and inch further closer to real life driving.

4029d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why did you say "Sony's online pass"?

Trying to get people to hate Sony qbout SOMETHING today, even if you have to make it up?

Sony didn't invent online passes. 3rd party publishers all joined together and came up with it together so they could try and make SOME money from used games. Sony published games were among the last to use them, if they even do at all (havnt been able to buy new retail games for a while)

4031d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I mean I think Sony even revealed MORE in the way of hardware specs, just not the design of the box. MS showed the box but had very little focus on the hardware itself. Pretty strange conclusion for the author of this article to come to about hardware.

4031d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let's recap.
Hardware even MS themselves hardly felt was worth talking about.
Kinect can now accurately render your private parts through your clothing.
Nothing more for your money with Live
Some exclusive Kinect features for cross-platform EA games
Some game from Remedy (is it even exclusive)
15 mystery exclusives
A "premium" Live action Halo series by Speilb...

4031d ago 15 agree10 disagreeView comment

Typically I'm against swearing on public internet spaces. But man.....saying "Xbox: Fuck Off" after watching that reveal may be the quote of the year. Bubble for you, sir. I was laughing so hard I was brought to tears.

4031d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Let's recap.
Hardware even they hardly bothered talking about.
Kinect can now accurately render your private parts through your clothes.
Nothing more for your money with Live
Some exclusive Kinect features for cross-platform EA games
Some game from Remedy (is it even exclusive)
15 mystery exclusives
Repeat TV Skype and Fantasy
CoD DLC 1 month early again


4031d ago 11 agree5 disagreeView comment

Uh-Oh !!! I know a certain gaming "journalist" who doesn't have a very good comprehension of:

1) Business. Gran Turismo cost tens of millions of dollars to create and you have to make that money profit.....otherwise why not just close up shop now?..... That money can only be made back on PS3 with it's 70+million install base. They could only lose tens of millions releasing it as a PS4 launch game to an install base starting from scratch.

4035d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

PC is obviously the best platform to besically do whatever you want to do with complete freedom, even infringing on other companies products as long as it's given away for free. But is PC the best platform for making money? I think that's a completely different story. And PSN may indeed be the best platform for that.

Hasn't PSN had the most digital sales of any other digital games platforms? I thought I heard a few devs mention having the highest sales on PSN. ANd...

4035d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment

I would ALMOST agree with Tools of Destruction. The game really was so good. But unfortunately it's one disappointment was SO major that it just doesn't even come to mind. That is that the online in the last PS2 Ratchets were so great and so much fun, that Tools not having a similar online caused me to even cancel my pre-order.

Toold of Destruction with like...Full Frontal Assault's online would have been my dream R&C game.

4036d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup, Heavy Rain is the first thing that came to mind for me as well.

For me, it's either that, Dragon Age Origins, MGS4 or GT5 which will be replaced with a 6 later in the year since it's the same game just better in every way.

We still got some BIG'UNS to come too!!

I've been saying this for quite a long time now, but I think this was the best generation of gaming. The amount of good quality games with great features this gen...

4036d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

LOVED 9 as well, and it made me love 1 even more than I originally did.

4037d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

If you don't like 8 much, look up a site called "squall's dead" or something like that. It's like this crazy conspiracy theory about the game, that I actually think is right. And while it didn't make me "LIKE" the game any more than I did, it kinda gives you (me) a whole new appreciation for 8 and makes you look at it a different way.

It's a very interesting and fairly quick read and I suggest checking it out to any FF fan that may have...

4037d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment